♥A dAy OuT wiTh mY bEsTiE♥

26SEP- Have a great day 2day with my best kawan jin jin, ^^.......and i wanna wish my frd,tony....Happy birthday...so sad to heared tat today u get noon syift....next time i treat teh bing k?^^

Have our lunch at desa park city ^^

haaha...stupid me..cant resist with da food  @.@

                          AT 1U BUYING CLOTHES ^^
(like ur nose kawan @.@ ) 

singalongsong  together ^^
(dun always unhappy babe,i like to saw ur crazy face=) )

went home with a gud mood...thx kawan muaks ^^ 

♥ The Last Exam♥

22 SEP - tomoro i will have my last exam, Accounts....ish....after that i will enjoy my semester break lo...wakaka...bt for today,i have to try work haard on it...at least i can get pass.....jz aim for pass...@.@...                              
                                                                                                            taking photo with the books =.=